It is not necessary to go very far to discover a country very different from other European countries. You will only have to cross the Channel to discover England. Well it's true; the climate is not too tanning, but you can take the opportunity to visit the wonderful museums and monuments that London can offer for example. Or, follow in the footsteps of "Four Boys in the Wind" by visiting Liverpool.

Cultural heritage, archeology and museums

The inhabitants of the United Kingdom are very attached to their Queen. The royal family and related traditions occupy an important place in their hearts and in their lives. The Queen's Palace is located in the heart of London. Part of the palace is visited eight weeks a year during the summer. Failing to see the Queen, you can witness the changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace, at 11:30.

Climate and Weather

Rain and humidity characterize the climate of this country, especially in the west. We understand why complaining about time is an English tradition. The showers are frequent, it rains about every other day. When the rain stops, the sky is often gray and the thunderstorms are rare. You will usually find the sun on the east coast. Winter is the period of the fog. This fog is amplified in the center of England because of industrial fumes. That said, the climate is relatively mild. Temperatures are cool but rarely cold. In short, it's neither too hot nor too cold, except in the south-east, where summers are hot and winters cold. It's also hotter in London. The average summer temperature is 21 ° C in the south of England and 15 ° C in the more northerly regions. In Scotland, it is much colder than in the south.

Cost of life

Accommodation is not what will cost you the cheapest in Britain. It is in small villages and in the countryside that it will be the least expensive. Youth hostels are the most economical places to sleep. Count around 12 to 15 euros per person. Then Bed and Breakfast remains relatively affordable. They are especially very friendly. Count at least 38 euros. The hotels are often very expensive. Count from 15 to 40 euros for a cheap hotel, from 40 to 110 euros for a medium-class hotel and from 110 euros for a higher category hotel. For restaurants, those on a limited budget should try Fish and Chips or, even cheaper, stock up on the supermarket. Otherwise count at least 20 euros for a modest restaurant. Note that prices in London are even more exorbitant. You can easily spend 100 euros in one day including housing, transport, restaurant and outings.